
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Users can now
sync their Google Sheets automatically
- when the underlying Google Sheet is updates, InstaCharts will receive the update within a few minutes. Previously, the shortest sync interval was hourly. This update will help keep your charts fresh!
Also updated -
a new task view
accessible from the dashboard. View how many tasks you've used this month under
Task History
Our new integration with Zapier is now in beta!
Check it out here
More importing improvements!
Users can now mark if each sheet in their upload has the header as the first row. The header is used to create column names in the uploaded sheet. If the header is not the first row of data, generic column names will be used (A, B, C).
When importing a spreadsheet file that has multiple worksheets, users can now specify which workbooks to include in the import. Previously all worksheets were imported by default.
Embedded charts and datatables are now responsive - they will autosize to fit the width they are given.
To use the new responsive embed tag, you must copy it and its script tag from the Share Dialog.
You can also change the background color of the embedded charts by changing the background color of the embed iframe.
There is now an easier way to edit chart titles - by clicking on the text itself. The kinds of text that is editable this way:
  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Axis Title
  • Legend Title
Should make it a bit easier to change the chart text!
Users can now select custom colors for items appearing in legends - this will also color the corresponding chart piece. This new feature applies to charts with legends such as a
stacked bar chart
multi line chart
pie chart
, etc.
Read more here: Customizing Colors
The data tables now support clickable html links.
If the full text of a cell is a valid url (Ex:, it will show as a clickable link. Links will open in a new tab.
Users can now hide the bottom toolbar from embedded charts and datatables.
The new "
Show Embed Toolbar
" toggle on the Share Dialog now controls whether the bottom toolbar will appear.
For more info, check out our guide on Sharing Charts
Number Formatting has received two major updates:
  • 20 different number formatting options
    are now available by default including (accounting), bytes, ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and a variety of abbreviations for numbers and currency (thousand, millions, billions, etc.)
  • A
    Custom format
    option is now available. You can define a format per axis and include units if you'd like! (mph, km/h etc)
Documentation for the new number formats can be found here: Number Formatting
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